About Us
First off, I am an animal lover and advocate. I believe in order to maintain our balance on this planet we must save the animals, all animals not just our dogs and cats. They are all here for a reason and if we take one away, our ecosystem suffers.
I was born on a farm in Ohio and had a dog and a few cats with a lot of chickens and a couple of cows and I remember how my grandfather taught me how to milk a cow when I was only 7 years old. I have always had either a cat or dog with me most of my life. So yes, I love the animals!
March, 2008 I adopted a Labrador retriever she was the most awesome and smartest dog I have ever had. I named her Abby, I had 15 awesome years with her unfortunately on March 6, 2023, I made a heartbreaking decision to let her cross over to the rainbow bridge. She was my 7th dog in my life, and she was special. She loved everyone including all animals. I feed about 80 to 90 stray and feral cats where I live, needless to say there were only a few of them I could touch, however they all loved my dog Abby when we would go for our nightly walk, they would follow her. During her 15 years she saved 7 kittens and they all got adopted with me keeping one and is still with me. Due to her love of all life, I made a promise to Abby and myself I would start a nonprofit organization and name it after her. I keep my promise.
I have this website to be able to raise funds for all those great women and men who feed all the stray cats and dogs in South Florida. Photo below is Abby she got arthritis. Barely can walk but happy. A few months later she went downhill. My heart was broken! I now have the website up and running and remember we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Please help us help feed and fix all the stray cats and a few dogs. When you purchase a product from us you are helping a cat or dog get fed and hopefully find a furever home for them
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.